Herbal Therapy

As a complement to Western Veterinary Medicine, Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) broadens our ability to diagnose and treat our patients. TCVM is based on the principles of balance in the body and environment and the movement of “Qi” or “Life Force” within the body.

Herbal Therapy is used to correct an imbalance caused by an underlying disease and to promote the body’s ability to heal itself.

The ultimate goal of herbal therapy is to treat disorders naturally, and lower the amount of prescription medication a pet’s body is exposed to. Combinations of natural Chinese herbal ingredients can enhance the effects of the acupuncture and maximize the amount of time that your animal can go between acupuncture treatments.

Each herb has a different effect on the body and can fall under a number of classifications such as warming, cooling, sour, or bitter and work to correct and balance deficiencies within the body. It can be combined with acupuncture and/or Western Medicine to enhance clinical results.

Herbal treatments are effective in treating chronic veterinary medical issues including gastrointestinal, arthritis, cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, reproduction, oncology, and behavior.  It can also increase the quality of life for geriatric patients, especially those diagnosed with terminal cancer.

A diagnosis is formulated based on TCVM, including tongue and pulse characteristics and behavior patterns at home, to prescribe herbal formulas for different disease patterns. Herbs are natural and tolerated well by most pets when introduced slowly. Chinese herbal preparations come in many different forms, and the type prescribed to your pet will depend on his/her temperament and appetite. Tea pills are small and round, and can be easily hidden in food. Many herbs come in capsule form, and powdered formulations that can be mixed with food are often available as well.

The Chinese herbal formulas used at Canton Animal Clinic come from Jing Tang Herbal, a closely regulated facility in the U.S. that produces high-quality veterinary herbal supplements.

Hospital Hours
Monday8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday8:00am – 5:00pm

With recent concerns about Covid-19 our hours are subject to change. Please call to make sure we are open. Every other Tuesday we will be closed at 6pm please call