Fleas and ticks are a year round problem. Your first line of defense to protect your animal is a proper preventative product. Fleas are a source of much irritation for many pets and pet owners.
The adult flea only makes up 5% of the population and is just the tip of the iceberg. The rest, pupae, larvae, and eggs are in the environment and are a continual source of infestation, even through the winter months. The only way to rid your environment is to use flea prevention consistently for a minimum of 3 months, but year round protection is ideal.
Ticks pose an even greater threat, namely Lyme disease. Ticks are present year round as well, and the number of cases of Lyme disease is increasing every year. Lyme disease can present in many ways but typically involves lameness that may appear to come and go, but left untreated can develop into a much worse situation. Prevention, as well as vaccination and yearly testing, are the best ways to combat Lyme disease.
There are numerous products available to suit your individual needs. In addition to finding the right product for you and your animals, it is important to know that the product you are using is safe. There are many products available over the counter that can potentially cause harm, especially in cats. At the clinic we see numerous cases a year of pyrethrin toxicity in cats. Pyrethrin is a common flea preventative found in canine topical products and it is toxic to cats. Buying the incorrect product or using a canine product on your cat can result in serious neurologic disease and potentially death.
If your cat is treated with a pyrethrin product, the initial signs can be an immediate reaction to the application such as discomfort or pain. This is usually followed by excessive salivation, tremors, and seizures. If you notice any abnormal signs in your cat after application of a potentially toxic topical product, immediately bathe the cat in Dawn dish soap to remove the product and contact your veterinarian. Be sure to always check the label to ensure it is for cats, and check the ingredients for pyrethrin as well. If you have any questions about safe products contact your veterinarian.
At Canton Animal Clinic we have several safe and convenient topical or oral flea and tick products to suit your every need, just call or ask at your next visit.